Tuesday, July 21, 2020

How to Write a Personal Essay

How to Write a Personal EssayWriting a personal essay is something many people want to do, but can't seem to. The reason why is because the written word is such a powerful medium and a person can use it to express themselves in ways they can't in words. You see, most of us have never learned to write a good essay and therefore, never know how to start. Thankfully, writing a personal essay is not that hard if you follow these tips to help you along the way.The first tip to follow when learning how to write a personal essay is to write what you know. Even if you are not certain what you are going to write about, at least know the general topic. If you know that you are going to talk about the weather or your great job at your company, start writing about that.Second, when writing the essay, focus on how you feel and be as objective as possible. Sometimes people will get caught up in the opinionated part of writing and they just go too far off track, so focus on your emotions. This will come in handy when you need to show the author of the essay why you feel the way you do in the essay.Last, remember to ahow focus. If you have to write the essay, all in one sitting, put everything aside and write it out all at once. Many students forget this and cram everything down into their heads before writing the essay. This causes writer's block and your essay will be terrible in its entirety.Another thing you must remember when writing a personal essay is that your emotions shouldn't trip you up when you are writing. You should let yourself flow with the essay so you don't get stuck with anything that is too biased. If you only have a good idea of what it is you want to say, putit into writing and try not to consider the feelings of other people and how they may feel about it.When you are learning how to write a personal essay, you need to start out with the important things. Think about who you are talking to and what the goal of the essay is. Do not worry about the detail s, just the important issues to get you going.After you think you have covered all the different topics you can write about, it is time to begin focusing on the feeling behind your ideas. Begin by imagining what it is you are feeling about it. You should feel happy and proud of yourself for being able to write about it.The key to learning how to write a personal essay is not how long it takes but how quickly you can get into the emotion. If you feel the emotion you should write about it.